Design Diplomacy
Aleksi Poutanen, 2019.
Design Diplomacy opens the doors of embassy residences that only few have been allowed to see. One design professional from each country meets a Finnish designer in a Design Diplomacy card game. Playful questions challenge both the speakers and the audience.
In addition to this half-hour discussion, you will learn interesting details about the unique residences and their architecture over a glass of wine. How many ambassadors have lived in the apartment? How does the place reflect its history and use? How have the ambassadors decorated their home?
Design Diplomacy is an event concept launched by Helsinki Design Week in 2016. In addition to Helsinki, Design Diplomacy discussions have been organized in Reykjavik, Tokyo, Madrid, Berlin, Oslo, Stockholm, Dublin and New York, just to name a few.
Do you wish to organize a Design Diplomacy in your city? Get in touch: info[at]